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       Mariupol, +7978 7935926,  +7978 6182616 bermsev@gmail.co

       Odessa        +380 501924946 ,+380 638297713 crewing@att-bermudas.com 




            certified by BV

      The Company’s Courses simplify study of English and help to perfect oneself in it.
      Any sailor in spite of his position on board, his total experience can take part in the lessons. Every new group consists of 8 or 12 participants at an average. Lessons of a group are held at the Company from 10 till 12 o’clock a.m. every day except Sunday and last one month (25 or 30 days at an average).
      There is an English language textbook for sailors at the Company. This textbook let a sailor study English on his own but the practical experience shows that to do it under the direct leadership of a teacher is much better. The first tasks of the textbook are to teach a sailor to use conversational English at sea without mistakes and to work with standard special documentation used on board.
      The materials of the textbook embrace all the spheres of sailor’s activities. There are special fragments for an able seaman, a boatswain, a motorman, a fitter-welder, a cook, an electrician, an engineer and an officer etc. on the textbook’s pages. It covers also general situations arising at sea and foreign ports.
         The textbook is intended for sailors’ wide circles with any starting level of English knowledge. Most of the tasks are supplied with a translation. However, the knowledge of the main reading rules and minimum quantity of English words are required.
The textbook consists of 12 units. They are systematized according to the SMNV (Standard Marine Navigational Vocabulary) and its division of the words on the topics. Every unit has three parts. The first one deals with separate English words. The second one explains English phrases. The third one is devoted to English Grammar. The textbook has extensive system of home tasks for sailors. As a whole the textbook helps to sailors to review the general grammatical phenomena and speak English at last.
On the final lesson a group is usually tested. The practical experience shows that a sailor is ready to be interviewed anywhere after attending of the Courses.


   In this case if you are interested in making your English better welcome to the

   welcome to the Company in order to begin lessons.