30 years at the market

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       Mariupol, +7978 7935926,  +7978 6182616 bermsev@gmail.co

       Odessa        +380 501924946 ,+380 638297713 crewing@att-bermudas.com 




            certified by BV


I have a pleasure in bringing to your kind notice the main information about our Agency.

Crewing Marine Agency “A.T.T. Bermudas“ is a private company existing since 1993 year has his own registered offices in Mariupol & Odessa.
Since its foundation in 1993, the company has specialized in the recruitment of seafarers of Ukrainian and Russian nationalities for our partners.
The expertise of our people has made us the largest, most reputable crew agency in the region, and our worldwide experience shows that we are a company that sailors and ship owners can trust. Successfully developing and expanding our second office "Sea Alliance" was opened in 2011.
Providing a highly qualified service, we have reached our 30th anniversary in 2023 and I am confident that our activities will continue to develop as before. Our seafarers work on various types of vessels: dry cargo and container ships, bulk and wooden carriers, tankers, ro-re-ro, reefs and tugs.
The main reason of successful export of our seamen is their high professional and educational level and as a rule they have a good knowledge of English. Our sailors can work in mixed crews, adapt rather quickly and easily. This has great appeal to foreign employers since the combination of professionalism, skills and coordination is very significant in such specific human resource market as marine crewing.
All of “A.T.T. Bermudas “ candidates possess the abovementioned attributes. We are proud to say that we have the similar unlimited choice of skilled marine specialists and as professionals we are able to offer the customers highly qualified seafarers. On the other hand we propose the seafarers to take into consideration that our company afford an opportunity of the stable work and can guarantee personal approach to each candidate during his service on board and certain assistance his being at shore.
I hope you’ll see the real opportunity in our proposal and we would welcome the chance of discussing your needs immediately supplying the vessels with our best personnel.


The founder,

Cpt. Valentyn Plavelskyy